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Review: SS Great Britain, Bristol

I’ve long meant to pay Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s maritime masterpiece a visit, and I wasn’t disappointed. The Potted History Brunel must have been a commandingly persuasive man because somehow he got the Great Western Steamship Company to approve two serious departures from normal shipbuilding techniques for their...

World’s Largest Sailing Ship to Launch in 2017

The classic sail ship cruise line, Star Clippers, has a new square-rigger currently under construction at Brodosplit shipyard in Split, Croatia. Steel cutting for ‘Hull 483’ – whose name, announced this week, is to be: Flying Clipper – commenced in last September. When she is completed in...

Messerschmitt Bf110F-2 – 5052

BF110F-2 Werknummer 5052 is on display in the Deutsches Technikmuseum, Berlin. This aircraft served with 13./Zerstörergruppe JG5 at KemiJarvi, Finland during 1943. On January 11, it was damaged by train-mounted flak while flying a four plane mission against railway lines between Murmansk and Leningrad. Pilot Helmut Ziegenhagen...

75mm Airborne Howitzer

75mm Airborne M1A1 Pack Howitzer (1942) designed to be dropped into battle with airborne troops. This one was used by 1st Airlanding Light Artillery Regiment, Royal Artillery, at Arnhem bridge September 1944 where it was damaged (see broken tow ring). It is now in the Royal Artillery...

Hunting Percival Pembroke

Odd name. The Percival Pembroke was a British light transport aircraft built between 1953-1958 by the Percival Aircraft Company, which later became ‘Hunting Percival’. They are quite rare. Only 128 were built. This one, a C-54 variant built for the German Luftwaffe is at the Militärhistorisches Museum...

New Railway Museum in Japan

A brand new railway museum is due to open this spring in Japan’s cultural capital, Kyoto. Kyoto Railway Museum will open on 29 April 2016, with a over 50 trains on display, telling the history of Japanese rail from the steam era to modern day Shinkansen bullet...