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GCT 155mm Self Propelled Gun

I’ve been trying to work out what this slightly rusty Self Propelled Gun (SPG) is, parked up at the back of the Musee de Blindes in Saumur, awaiting a little love and attention from their restoration teams. Now, thanks to, and some time I spent trawling...

Approved Military Footwear

These are pattern/template boots for the Swedish army. The one on the left was an approved design for a cavalry boot in the 1690s, when Sweden was still an autocracy, so the final approval comes from the king who puts his seal on it. The letters CRS...

What’s inside a wind turbine

Ever wondered what a wind turbine looks like inside? And important questions like: How do you climb to the top? How much space is there up there? Why don’t the cables twist as it turns around? Here are the answers, and delivered in a really chirpy, no-nonsense...

Laffly V15

I love this quirky little French 6-wheeler from 1939. It’s a Laffly V15T with 4-wheel drive, plus an extra two wheels to get it over lumps & bumps! It had a top speed of 58 kph and was used primary by the French cavalry as an artillery...

Review: Saumur Tank Museum

With over 200 armoured vehicles on permanent display, and another 680 in its inventory, the Musée des Blindés Saumur, has the largest collection of armoured vehicles in the world*. It’s been on my list of museums to visit for some time and I wasn’t disappointed. Its roots...

360-degree Video Tour of HMAS Onslow

This is a rather technically impressive 360-degree AR tour of submarine HMAS Onslow, moored at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney’s Darling Harbour.  Onslow was one of six Oberon-class submarines operated by the Royal Australian Navy. She was built in Scotland and commissioned in 1968. The...

Fokker DR.1 Dreidecker

This Dreidecker (“triplane”) is a reproduction at the Luftwaffe Museum in Gatow. According to Wikipedia, 320 of these machines were built, but only three are thought to have survived WW1. Serial 528/17 was retained as a testbed by the Deutschen Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt (German Aviation Research Institute)...

Aerial cable car proposal for Chicago

The designers of the London Eye and Brighton i360 are involved in a spectacular new project for Chicago. The Chicago Skyline project – a new aerial cable car tourist attraction – was launched earlier this month by local businessmen, Lou Raizin and Laurence Geller, with plans from...