These are books I haven’t read, but would like to.
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Gunfire: British Artillery in World War II – Stig H. Moberg 
I think this looks really interesting. It essentially focuses on the Royal Artillery and covers how artillery resources were established, developed and used in WW2. The blurb says it is “profusely illustrated throughout with photos, maps, plans, graphs, charts and diagrams”. I’m a sucker for a good diagram!
German Infantry – Haynes Manual 
I love & applaud the way, years ago, Haynes moved from their workshop manuals for cars to applying the same format, with its cutaway drawings, to aircraft, tanks & ships… and now an even wider range of topics. Clever stuff! And just in the nick of time. Hands up everyone who has used a Haynes manual to change a clutch (I did once!) or fix a carburetor since the millennium…? Thought so!
I’m listing this one, because it’s one I’d like to read. Particularly because it appears to cover ‘Tactics’ and not just the usual ‘Organisation’ and ‘Weapons’ in WW2.
All Present And Accounted For – Capt Steven J. Craig 
This looks like an interesting tale of extraordinary skill and endurance miles from rescue. I didn’t know anything about this incident till I read this book review in Global Maritime History.
In 1974 a US Coastguard cutter, the USCGC Jarvis, dragged her anchors and grounded in atrocious weather in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands. This is the true story of that event and the month long efforts it took to save the ship and crew.
Dresden: The Fire and the Darkness – Sinclair McKay 
This account by Sinclair McKay focuses on the experience of those on the ground in a minute-by-minute account from the start of the four RAF & USAAF air raids between 13 and 15 February 1945, to the all-clear and aftermath. At the same time he tackles the tricky subject of morality in war.
Short Sunderland: The ‘Flying Porcupines’ in the Second World War – Andrew Hendrie 

Clearing the Way: U.S. Army Engineers in World War II – Chris McNab 

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