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Battery Powered Ferry Expands its Horizons

The Stena Jutlandica, which runs between Frederikshavn and Gothenburg¹, has now completed its first month of operation as a battery hybrid vessel, using both generators and batteries to power the ship’s electrical propulsion. Sten’s battery project is being trialled in steps so that the technology can be...

By the Light of a Silvery Moon

The Chinese city of Chengdu has announced plans to replace street lighting with the ‘light of a silvery moon’¹ reflected down from a satellite with a large mirror. According to People’s Daily Online, the Chairman of the Chengdu Aerospace Science and Technology Microelectronics System Research Institute Co,...

Messerschmitt ME 410

I’d always been aware of the Messerschmitt 410 but had ‘parked’ it in my mind as a mostly developmental aircraft with low numbers going into production for specialised roles, and that’s the way I still thought of it when I found this one a few years ago...