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DIY Road Traffic Monitoring for Citizens

Ever wondered just how busy your street is? Telraam is a clever technical initiative that enables ordinary residents to gather data on the traffic passing their window. The Telraam sensor continuously monitors a street from a citizen’s window, providing crucial data on various types of transport, including...

Review: Normandy Victory Museum

The Normandy Victory Museum, sub-titled the Musée de la Bataille des Haies (Battle of the Hedgerows Museum) is quite a large museum (2,000 m²) and is definitely worth a visit, especially around lunchtime, because it also has a large brasserie restaurant split into a bistro and pizzeria....

Bawdsey Radar Museum

The Bawdsey Radar Museum is a small museum set up in the former transmission bunker on the 168-acre Bawdsey Manor estate, which became the home of British radar development in the 1930s, and later became RAF Bawdsey, a radar training school and Cold War missile base. The...