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Maisy Battery Revisited

We reviewed the German battery at Grandcamp Maisy in Normandy, last year (Oct 2018), but I was in the neighbourhood in April, so I stopped by to have a look for myself. I spent a happy 40 minutes chatting to Dan Sterne, the owner (Gary)’s son, and...

Virgin Trains complete onboard WIFI upgrade

The final train in Virgin Trains’ fleet of 56 Pendolinos was fitted with new hardware in May, giving customers access to free WIFI and to its onboard entertainment hub, BEAM. The new connectivity is part of a range of improvements to improve customer experience on Virgin Trains...

Stella line-up for Apollopalooza

Apollopalooza is a week-long celebration commemorating the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 and the future of human space exploration, held by the Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum in Denver, Colorado between 17 – 20 July. Each day will feature a lineup of content punctuated...

The German Cemetery at La Cambe, Normandy

The biggest surprise about the German military cemetery at La Cambe is its size – it is small (16.5 acres), given that 21,222 German soldiers are buried here. That’s much smaller than the American Cemetery at Colville (172.5 acres), which has 9,380 graves. The reason is that,...