The Indian Government has approved plans for a huge National Maritime Heritage Complex (NMHC) at Lothal in Gujarat, an inland archaeological port site from the Harappan era (aka the Indus Valley Civilisation), now 30 miles from the sea. It is being billed as the biggest maritime heritage complex in the world.

The museum complex, a pet project of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, designed by Architect Hafeez Contractor*, will showcase India’s maritime history stretching across 4,500 years, and will be built by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterway (MoPSW). It is expected to boost growth in the region and stimulate tourism. Construction is anticipated to create around 22,000 jobs, and will be approached in two phases:
- Phase 1A – will see the creation of the main museum with six galleries, which will include galleries dedicated to the Indian Navy and Coast Guard with external naval artefacts such as INS Nishank (Vidyut-class missile boat), a Sea Harrier aircraft, and a UH3 helicopter among others. It will also feature a replica model of the Lothal township, an open aquatic gallery, and a jetty walkway. It is ambitiously planned to be completed by 2025!
- Phase 1B – will see eight more galleries constructed, including a light house museum which is planned to be world’s tallest, a parking facility for about 1,500 cars, food hall, medical centre.
- Phase 2 – will add Coastal States Pavilions (to be developed by respective coastal states and union territories), Hospitality zone (with maritime theme eco resort and museuotels), Recreation of real time Lothal City, Maritime institute and hostel and 4 theme based parks (Maritime & Naval Theme Park, Climate Change Theme Park, Monuments Park and Adventure & Amusement Park).
In its meeting this week, the Cabinet also accorded in-principle approval for Phase 1B and Phase 2, as per master plan by raising funds through voluntary resources/ contributions and their execution after raising of the funds.

Construction of Light House Museum under Phase 1B will be funded by Directorate General of Lighthouses and Lightships (DGLL).
A separate society will be set up, for development of future phases, to be governed by a Governing Council headed by Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways, under Societies Registration Act, 1860 for implementation, development, management, and operation of NMHC at Lothal, Gujarat.

All this means that Lothal, the site of oldest known dockyard in the world, is set to undergo a dramatic transformation, with footfall expected to rise from a hundred visitors a day to around 25,000 daily.
Source: Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
* Principal Project Consultant: Architect Hafeez Contractor
Design Team: Arch. Karl Wadia & Arch. Apoorva Sharma