New Tourist Train in Japan

A new, specially designed, luxury tourist train was launched yesterday in Japan.

The Royal Express will operate from Yokohama station in Yokohama and Itokyu Shimoda station in Shimoda City at the southern tip of the Izu Peninsula with its full of hot springs and picturesque coastlines. Around 100 passengers will enjoy dining and live musical performances while on board.

Passengers can choose from either one-way tickets with a meal included or a selection of three different ‘cruise plans’, each including a return train journey, meals, overnight accommodation and sightseeing activities in Izu. Once in Izu, one-way passengers will be able to get a bullet train ride back to Tokyo, or stay on to enjoy the local natural and historical sites, such as coastal hiking trails and lighthouse on the rugged Jogasaki Coast, extinct volcano Mt. Omuro and its accompanying cactus park,  Tokaikan, a beautifully preserved former ryokan (traditional Japanese inn) in Ito City, and Ryugu Cave, Toji Beach and Shirahama Shrine, Izu’s oldest shrine, in Shimoda City.

The train will begin operating on 1st September.


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